Bible Study Group & Home Cells group

Regarding the above scripture, this was a cry of a man who wanted to become the continuity of the covenant of God.  The bible speaks of the man called Elijah, who was a prophet of fire.  He had such a deep relationship with God that his entire ministry was defined by it.  The bible says he was a Tishbite.  May you not be remembered by what you have but by your walk with God.  What matters was his relationship with God. Throughout his ministry we see God.  He challenged the prophets of Baal and Asherah.  When he did this, the whole Israel stood with Baal, but it is good that sometimes you stand alone. To be different is not a bad thing.  You will not be able to make a difference if you are scared to be different.  Beloved, you are born differently.  Elijah remained alone as people gathered together. One man with God is majority!!!  Probably you think you are alone, but the fact that you are with God, you are majority.

May your enemies / mockers hear this!  Those who are gathering against you must hear this; no weapon formed against you shall prosper.  The prophets of Baal gathered together and did all kinds of incantations with Israel supporting them.   Elijah was alone, but God was with him.  Child of God, you are never alone.  “Though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you will fear no evil….” You have a friend who is holding you by hand, when you go to bed, to the bathroom, to the shopping mall, or even when you are driving, he is with you.  There is no moment when you are alone.  The name of your God is Emmanuel, meaning “God with us.”  Do not allow them to scare or bully you.  You are bigger than them.  God will see you through, and he will lift you up.  May this word be established in your life.

Elijah allowed them to call on their God, he gave them ample time to do this but their God did not answer.   They were calling on the god who has no ears, eyes or hands to touch.  Elijah said, move out, and let me show you what a true God can do. Where are men and women who have built their faith in God and are able to confront the enemy and say “where is your God?” When all this is over, I shall be the last man standing.  It is audacity of faith.  When everyone thinks you are defeated, you pull yourself together, put on your make up and walk majestically.  Your strength comes from your altar.  Your first priority should be your altar; it is your point of covenant between you and God.

Elijah began by building the altar.   Once he had finished, he began to pray a simple prayer saying, “oh God let it be known that you are God….”  As he finished his prayer, the fire came down and licked up the water.  There are levels of glory, Shekinah glory, which is the manifested presence of God.  Something will manifest in your life in this season.  This time, the glory that covered that place was the gaboth glory of God which is not just the glory, but the weight of God.  What is about to be deposited in you is bigger than what you can handle.  That is why God has enlarged you, something bigger than what you have been expecting is coming to you. Fire came down and Israel, as if they were orchestra, all kneeled down and said “the Lord is God.”  From today no one will doubt your God again.  God is about to astonish the world with you. What he is about to do will not come from your efforts.  When this happened, there was a man admiring Elijah, his name is Elisha. Do not depart from what is working. Elisha said where you go, I will go, so Elijah said “what do you want?”  There are people who are purpose driven, they have a high level of faith, and their goals are high.

Elisha said “I want you to give me what you do not have,” i.e. double of your anointing. I have seen the God of Elijah, but I want more.  Elijah said, you have asked something difficult.  Family, you should learn to ask difficult things, don’t just ask for ordinary car, ask for Range Rover, Rolls Royce, Bugatti, etc.   May God answer your prayers.  You have only one life, eat, drive, and dress well.  Live for yourself, don’t live for people.  The bible says in heaven we will walk on roads paved with gold.  It is ok to live well.  Ask for nations, stop asking for rent money.  Elijah said, “if you see me go, you will get it.”  You cannot receive from the person you are not loyal to.  When he is going through situations in his life be there for him.  You must participate in his life.  Elisha was there when his spiritual father was taken, and his mantle fell on him.   Now it was time to continue with the journey, and as he came across resistance, he took the mantle of his father and said “where is the Lord of Elijah?”  When you have tried it all and nothing seems to be working, call upon the God of your father.  A miracle took place because what he carried came from his spiritual father.   Calling on the God of your spiritual father is not wrong, it is spiritually correct.  Where is the God of my father, show up in my life, manifest your goodness and power in my life in Jesus Name.

In this scripture, the Psalmist expressed what was deep inside him.  The reason why he wanted to have what he was asking for was not so that he could fulfil the desires of his flesh.  He sought to glorify God just like John the Baptist who decreased so that God could increase.  Beloved, please note that you and God cannot increase together, unless you commit to decrease, God will not increase in your life.  Here the Psalmist said, “Not unto us” (meaning that it’s not for us, but for your glory).  Jesus says, you pray and do not receive because you pray wrongly.  By this He was referring to the motive behind our prayer, e.g. Lord give me a car, house, etc, so that the world may speak about you through me.  This man is trying to re-align everything inside and outside.

In verse 2 the psalmist says, “Why do the nations say, where is their God?”  The world will question your God concerning your situation if you do not win.  The reason he wanted God to manifest His glory is for God’s name.  “Lord not unto us, but unto your name.”  God is about to do something in your life that the world will say surely his God is alive.  The man said, this matter is bigger than me.  Lord if you will heal me; let it not be because I want to feel special, but do it for your glory.  Your enemies are checking if God will open a way and pull you out of that situation.  If God does not rescue you, they are ready to throw a party over your matter.  Lord, do not allow them to rejoice over my case. Child of God, you have been on this position for too long and the world is looking at you, saying, he is going nowhere.  SURPRISE, SURPRISE!!! God is about to shut the mouth of your mockers.  They will see your God.  It will be clear that God is on your side.  The entire Kingdom of God will suffer if you die with sickness.  God has sent us Prophets of God to rectify situations like this.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego knew who they are in God.  They said, “Our God is able to deliver us from your hand.”  God is faithful beloved; he is able to deliver you today.  It cannot continue like this.  There is a turnaround miracle coming your way in the next seven days.  Moses was sent to Pharaoh with the word.  IT SHALL NOT CARRY ON LIKE THIS in Jesus Name.  It shall be clear from now; there will be no doubt that your God is seated in heaven with all power in his hand.  All power belongs to him and nothing is too hard for him.  This word is for the one who has no job, the one who has no child or the one with confusion and enslaved in poverty, etc.  It shall be known that He alone is God, and besides Him, there is no other God.  He is Elkanah.  God says, you have suffered / cried enough, they have messed up your name and fight you for no reason.  They stand against you for no course.  This situation will not carry on like this.  I say, God is opening a new door; this is your season of glory, victory, and overflowing miracles.  God is about to lift you up.

Show up oh God, arise oh God, let your enemies be scattered. Victory, salvation, favour and deliverance are coming in Jesus’ name.  God is about to do something very big.  You will no longer have to open a door.  God is putting spiritual sensors, as you approach it, it will open wide.  The Lord is rectifying every wrong in your life.  Whatever they have done against you, God says “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.”  The whole world will know that you serve the true God.

The bible says “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” This is to AGONISOMAI, which speaks about travailing. The word AGONISOMAI is translated as fervent prayer. Sometimes we pray, but there are times where we really pray. This is when you pray not minding what is going on around you.  People pray in different dimensions.  There are people who get very physical when they pray, and that is a different kind of prayer.  When you look at the way Hannah prayed, you will realise that she did not pray to impress anybody. She prayed so earnestly that the priest thought she was drunk.  I am certain that she did not mind the environment of where she was praying.  Have you been in the place where you say if God does not show up now, tomorrow is too far? Jacob wrestled with the angel of God and he said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me”, because he was in a desperate situation.

If you pray and do not see any result, increase your intensity.  God who answers English is able to answer your language as well; so if you pray in English and do not see the result, change the language.  The “righteous man” does not necessarily mean “sinless men”, because we have short falls.  The bible says if we say we have no sins, we are lairs.  Righteous man means standing right before God.  You have to be born again in order to stand right before God.  This scripture does not say the Pastor, but it says the righteous  man.  If you call God your father, it is more powerful than being an Arch Bishop.  You may be a CEO, Director, but being a child of God is a greater position.  God protects those he calls his children.  Jesus said, “If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”  Through prayer, you can ask God anything you want, and God will answer your prayer.

Anyone who made impact in life was a man / woman of prayer. The bible says call on me and I will answer”. If everyone will learn to pray, they will have victory over lack, poverty, demonic oppression, sickness and diseases, etc.  The devil is not afraid of anyone because he/ she dresses well or uses a microphone, but he is afraid of a man/woman of prayer.  A man or woman who does not pray remains dry.  There is no car that can run without oil.

In our days, God has been portrayed as a grandpa and because of that many approach Him casually.   Family, God must be approached through prayer.  Prayer is not only speaking to God, but also engaging in the heavenly realms.  It goes beyond dialogue with God. Spiritual warfare is engaging in spiritual realm.  

There is stuff that is yours that will only come to you through prayer. There is time to pray, and there is time to fight, just as Jacob did.  

With regards to the above scripture, this is the greatest assignment for all of us.  Our assignment is to make disciples of all nations.  Whatever work you do, all of us should make disciples of all nations.  And please know that you are never alone, his name is Emmanuel, God is with us.  He is Jehova Shammah, meaning when you take a shower or doing all your daily activities, he is with you.  That is why your enemies will never find you by surprise.  David said, “I fear no evil,” for those who have a court case, do not worry, God is your advocate.

It is our greatest mission to understand why we exist.  The reason behind your existence is your mission.  What fulfils you is that which you do base on your mission.  If a child of God can find fulfilment in life, is to go and find your mission which is to win souls and make disciples.  If you do not do that, you will never be fulfilled.

We should all ask ourselves, “Is there anyone who is established in God because of me?”  Unless you win souls, there will always be something missing in your life.  The bible says “he who wins souls is wise.”  You make an impact in other people’s lives by preaching the gospel.  

You are saved so that you can win souls, then make disciples.  

Family, serve God while you still alive.  Your education cannot afford you the breath of life.  If your live, is because of God.  You have to ask yourself why God is keeping you alive.  More educated people than us have are gone, meaning that they died, but God has preserved our lives. The only reason God is keeping us alive is so that we can touch people’s lives.  Every time people hear that there will be miracles in a certain place, they run there but none of them are ready to pay the price for the Kingdom of God.  

Kingdom Advancers are Kingdom Financiers.  They are sold out for the Kingdom of God.  All they want to do is to see the Kingdom of God moving forward.  Rom 10:9 –“if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”  Beloved, salvation comes as you confess Christ with your mouth and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead. Whosoever believes in him, meaning everyone, whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  If God can safe your spirit, soul and body, he can also save your pocket, marriage, ministry, etc.

Ability to receive the right answers is in asking the right questions, and you will get the right answers.  Many of us ask the wrong questions.  When someone is having trouble, they ask who is behind this, not asking what is it that I should do to get out of here?  The woman of the issue of the blood decided to use the little strength left in her body to get her healing.  She pushed the crowd and touched the garment of Jesus; she knew how to ask herself the right question.

“Faith comes by hearing and hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”  If you do not hear, how are you going to believe?  The preacher is everyone who proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ.  How shall the preacher preach, unless he is sent?  The sent preacher will be the cause of hearing, hearing will be the cause of believing and believing will prompt you to call on Jesus.  For the preacher to be sent, he must be mandated by God, but it is the person who has been mandated to preach the gospel in a certain manner.  The reason why we stand bold is because we know the one who has mandated us has our back; though people may leave us God will never leave us.  We are not goats in a sheep house.

Yesterday the gospel was easier than it is today.  Great persecution was there but it was better than today.  Because of the Kingdom Financiers, the Kingdom of God is advancing.  One of the ministries that God is raising in our time is the ministry of Kingdom Financiers.  

Kingdom Advancers invite people to church.  When last did you invite anyone to church?  They are natural promoters of God.  They talk about God all the time, they stand for God.  They push God’s Word to people.  Family, we have the message to lead those who are in darkness to God.  Every preacher must have a story of his walk with God.  David said, “I defeated the bear….”   Do not desire to fight Goliath before defeating the bear.

Kingdom Advancers:  They make their resources available for the cause of Christ.  The prayer we should all pray is “Lord, I avail myself, use me to advance your Kingdom.”  What do you do with your money?   After taking care of yourself, take care of the house of God.

Isaiah was regarded as one of the highest Prophets.  Isaiah spoke about the birth of Jesus Christ many years before Jesus was born.  Now, how can someone see many years in the future?  This indicates that God speaks, he is prophetic.  Whatever stands against the prophetic stands against God!  He was a Prophet of God and through him God spoke to the nations.  After the death of King Uzziah, Isaiah took the step to have deep intimacy with the Lord.  A preacher who did not have a deep encounter with God will not go far with God.  To have a deep encounter with God means to have a relationship with God, which keeps on growing.  Moses’ ministry changed when he encountered the burning bush.  Jacob’s ministry also changed when he had an encounter with God, in his dream, he saw the angels ascending and descending on stairway, resting on the earth.

Isaiah would speak on behalf of God, a Prophet is a man taken over by God, and everything he says is taken over.  If he jokingly blesses you, you are blessed.  Everything about the prophet is prophetic.  Every time a Prophet has a need is because someone has the same need.  His need is not a really a need, but it is an opportunity for your blessing.  The Shunamite woman satisfied the needs of the Prophet and God blessed her.  That is why you must mind how you treat the Prophet, when you bless him, blessings will come to you.  God says those who bless you, I will bless.  I will curse those who curse you.  If you see weakness in the life of a Prophet, leave him alone.  He sits in the counsel of God, and he speaks the oracles of God.  That is why controversies followed most of the Prophets.  Some were stoned.

Sometimes it looks like what they are saying is contradicting, but the truth is, there is no contradiction at all.  God said “Preach naked,” that was contradicting in the eyes of man, but it was not. Moses told the Israelites not to marry the foreigners yet he had married the foreigner.   Abraham lied, saying that Sarah is his sister,  King Abimelech took her as his wife but the moment the King Abimelek tried to be intimate with Sarah, God said “you are as good as dead because of the woman you have taken; she is a married woman.”  Though Abraham was wrong, God was on his side.  He said to King Abimelech, “I know you did this with a clear conscience…. That is why I did not let you touch her… now return the man’s wife because he is a Prophet.”   The bible says “touch not my anointed one, do him no harm.”  There are people who hurt themselves because of standing against the Prophets of God.

“Behold, I will do a new thing” God is about to do a new thing in your life.  “Now it shall spring forth.”  God is about to do something so huge that you will not be able to handle.  It will keep the devil wondering.  He will ask himself a question and say, how did this happen?  “Do you not perceive it?”  Family, what God is about to do in your life will be so evident that everyone will see it.  All you need to do is to remove your umbrella so that you can be wet with the miracles of the living God.    “Shall you not know it?”  God is so good.  You shall celebrate success in your life, where God is taking us will blow people’s minds.  You will look at yourself in the mirror and say, is this me?

God says, “I will even make a way in the wilderness.”  When you look at your situation, there is no way this would have happened.  Beloved, the ways of God are not our ways.  God fulfils his promises in your life.  He is the way Maker.  One man with God is majority.  Poverty, sickness, etc., will no more be mentioned in your father’s house.  God speaks big all the time.  The bible says that in heaven, the roads are paved with gold.  “I will make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”  God is about to change your environment.  Because of drought, we see the deserts, but because of the river, the drought becomes wet.  May your relationships be rivers of love. May your healing become a demonstration of the power of God. may you recover from financial  Negative cash flows.

Jesus Christ came to die on the cross of Calvary.  His disciples did not want to depart from his presence, and Jesus said “But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you…”  He was talking about Holy Spirit.

After Jesus had ascended to heaven, all the disciples of Jesus were filled with the Holy Spirit.  One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at a time of prayer at three in the afternoon.  They met a man who was lame from birth, sitting by the beautiful gate to beg.  This man depended on other people’s pity to survive.  Family, your provision will not come from man, but it comes from Jesus Christ.  There is no benefit in poverty, it will degrade your life and takes away your dignity.  You should dislike poverty by all means.  May you prosper in everything you do in the Name of Jesus Christ.

On this day as usual, he was begging, expecting Peter and John to give him what they could give so that he could live on it.  He thought it was a day, just like any other day.  Peter said “silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you, in the name of Jesus Christ, walk.”  May God raise in our days men and women that will carry the same anointing that Peter and John carried.  We need soldiers on the pulpit, who will take a risk of faith.  May God raise crazy Pastors and Apostles in our days.  We Gospel Fire, defeat is not part and parcel of what God has in store for us.  Do not accommodate weakness or failure in your system.  Your life will be a life of victory in Jesus Name.

Peter said, “silver and gold I do not have.”  You can tell people what you know, and you can only give them what you have.  Telling people what you carry is not being prideful.    You cannot use what you carry if you do not know that you have it.  What God has given you is great.  Peter knew what he had and what he did not have.  The story of the one who could not walk changed instantly that day, he began to jump and praise God.  The ministry of John and Peter allowed the new story to start.  “The priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to Peter and John while they were speaking to the people…. They seized Peter and John and put them in jail until the next day.”  Persecution comes when the glory of God is seen in your life, as soon as you are noticed; they begin to throw stones on you.  Peter and John were arrested and thrown in jail because they believed God and out of their faith miracle took place.  The world hates those who believe God, that is why you must learn to pray for your leaders.  The enemy knows that as long as the man believes God, he will stand, and he(the enemy) cannot rule.  If you align with God, the enemy knows that as long as you are in that family or community, he cannot rule.  

Miracles are things that only God can do, however, there are blessings that are not miracles.  Because of the miracle, persecution came.  Never agree with the accusation of the enemy who says every Pastor who is doing something for God is not genuine.  Pray for your leader so that he can be able to defend the course of Christ.  After the persecution, they released them.  Peter and John went to the brothers who were praying.  Family, if you learn that the Man of God is in jail, do not read the newspaper to know the truth, but go on your knees to know the truth.  Stand for the church, when you see weakness, pray for the church.  We have only one body of Christ.  When Peter and John told the brothers what happened to them, they all prayed like one.  They raised their voices to God as one body.   Some Christians are ready to kill one another right in the church of Christ.  Never be part of somebody who is attacking the church.

The bible says “love covers a multitude of sins,” it is a shame that today, a Pastor will attack another Pastor or set a trap for him.  When people leave you, it is normal.  Do not be too mindful of where they are going, the question is, why are they leaving?  We may not have the same gifts, but we must stand together.  

The place where they were shook.  We can shake the whole world through the power of God.  God knew for them to arise stronger, all they needed was the Spirit of God.  The more you receive Holy Spirit, the higher you will go.  Never cry when you are going through pain because the more you cry, the more juice for Satan, but allow the Spirit of God to come to you.  Many of you are being persecuted, yet you did not wrong anyone.  The only answer to persecution is the Spirit of God to fill you, who gives you power to defeat the devil.  This week is the week of total victory, but you need to understand the infilling of the Holy Spirit.